Autoimmune Condition
Autoimmune Condition Holistic Protocol for Dogs and Cats has been developed by a certified Master Herbalist and certified Canine Nutritionist with The Pet Health and Nutrition Center. Our Autoimmune Protocol is the finest coordination of science and research-based recommendations that include diet, supplementation and herbal remedies to help support your pet with an autoimmune condition. Everyone here at The Pet Health and Nutrition Center truly cares and wants to help your pet get better, so give our suggestions a try because we are confident you will be
l. Holistic Natural Protocol Goal
The goal of our natural protocol differs somewhat from that of your veterinarian. We share your vet's goal in trying to reduce the damage caused by the hyperactivity of your dog or cat's immune system, though in a safer, more natural way. However, we also strongly believe in providing your animal with the nutrition and supplementation necessary to protect healthy tissue and repair damaged tissue. In doing so we don't just provide immune suppressors or other drugs that suppress symptoms, but instead organic, whole foods and herbs with powerful healing abilities and the potential to make your pet healthier.
ll. Natural Autoimmune Protocol
Core Recommendations
Our "Core Recommendations" form the backbone of our Natural Autoimmune Protocol. They consist of the supplement recommendations we feel are the most important to provide to your animal companion for this condition. They are displayed individually at the bottom of this page along with other helpful products from which you may make additional selections. Pet foods can be purchased at your finer, local pet stores. If you desire more individualized attention please feel free to use our Consultation Form to provide detailed information about your dog or cat so we can better help you.

Core Recommendation #1 - Immune Balance
This remedy contains organic herbs that help to modulate the body's immune response. This will help to alleviate the symptoms associated with your animal's autoimmune condition without the potentially serious side effects associated with immune suppressing drugs.

Core Recommendation #2 - Daily Multi Plus
Our Daily Multi Plus is formulated with organic, whole foods that are extremely important to an animal's nutritional needs but are often missing from the majority of canine and feline diets. This special formula provides the enzymes, probiotics, prebiotics, glandulars, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients that are so beneficial to the body's daily maintenance and repair needs for healthy aging. In this formula you will find the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants recommended by the veterinarian community for this condition - only in an organic, whole food form!

Core Recommendation #3 - BioPreparation
This special blend of four unique algae was developed by a Russian Scientist, Dr. Michael Kiriac after decades of research. It is grown in controlled hydroponic conditions so it is the purest microalgae supplement on the planet. Its thousand of nutrients are so bioavailable they do not have to be digested, they easily pass through the digestive tract and feed cells on a cellular level - very important for this condition. BioPreparation can cross the blood brain barrier to feed the brain, support the hypothalamus to help balance the entire endocrine system and even cross the blood retinal barrier to nurture the eyes. We have had outstanding success with this product so it is highly recommended. Select the F3+ Forte for this condition.
Highly Recommended Products

Autoantibodies are responsible for the tissue damage your dog is experiencing with their autoimmune condition. Research has shown that systemic enzymes, taken between meals, enter the bloodstream where they can break the bond that holds circulating autoantibodies together, reducing or eliminating their destructive effects, so they can be very helpful in the case of autoimmune conditions.
Abnormal bowel permeability has been associated with autoimmune conditions. This condition, also called Leaky Gut, allows food and bacteria to slip through the digestive tract into the bloodstream due to abnormal intestinal permeability. This results in an immune system response and increased levels of immune complexes in the blood. It is believed that these antigens (substances) are similar to antigens found in tissue. So antibodies formed to attack and rid the body of these antigens actually attack the body's own tissue by mistake. This permeability is caused by, or increased, by the use of NSAIDs so their use should be discontinued. What we want to do in this instance is to provide the body with nutrients that it needs to heal and repair the lining of the digestive tract and that is what this next product does.

Whole Food Nutrition
Diet plays an important role in your animal's long term health. Feeding a raw whole food diet is the biologically appropriate way to feed an animal. If you do not want to feed raw, or can't for some reason, then sticking as close to whole food as possible is always best. An animal that suffers with an autoimmune condition is almost certainly going to have a more difficult time digesting a kibble pet food. We articles to help: How to Feed Your Dog or How to Feed Your Cat
Think Hard Before Vaccinating
Circulating immune factors are suspected to be one of the major factors contributing to tissue destruction in autoimmune conditions. These autoantibodies as they are called are the culprits and a major suspected cause is vaccinations. Studies have shown that the more vaccinations your animal gets the more circulating autoantibodies that animal has. If you suspect or know that your dog or cat has an autoimmune condition they should no longer be vaccinated! You can get an exemption letter for the rabies vaccine from your veterinarian. If they will not provide you with a letter to give to your town or county, we suggest you find another vet. Read our article: Are You Over Vaccinating Your Dog or Cat.