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Cell Salts for Dogs and Cats
from $19.99
Cell Salts for Dogs and Cats
Dr. Wilhelm Schuessler, a German doctor, established the theory of Biochemic medicine in 1873. Dr. Schuessler combined the principles of biochemistry with homeopathy to give us these 12 natural cell salts, each derived from one of the 12 inorganic mineral...
from $19.99
Homeopathy for Dogs and Cats
from $9.95
Homeopathy for Dogs and Cats
4 dram vial size. 900 count of 2.5mm pellets.
Active ingredients:Arnica montanaArsenicum albumBoraxCalendula officinalis Hypericum perforatumLedum palustreNux vomicaRhus toxicodendronSulphurSymphytum officinaleThuja occidentalis
Inactive Ingredients:Sucrose/lactose pellets
from $9.95