"I quickly modified my dogs diet and used the digestive enzymes and probiotics. I am happy to say he felt better within two days!" Tamara S.

Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics for Dogs and Cats

Size *

Our Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics is a high-potency formula created specifically for dogs and cats. Formulated with higher amounts of plant enzymes and probiotics needed to help your animals properly digest raw food, kibble, canned and home-prepared diets. Most other enzyme and probiotic formulations on the market do not have adequate amounts of the important enzymes that help your animal quickly and efficiently digest their meals.

This is a superior enzyme formula with 13 specialized enzyme strains and the addition of 5 billion CFU per gram of 13 species of beneficial bacteria and will help in situations where there are nutritional deficiencies, food allergies, inflammatory bowel issues, autoimmune issues and arthritis - all of which can result from the poor digestion of the food your dog or cat is eating.

What to Look for in a Superior Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics Supplement...

High Amount of Proteases for Proper Protein Digestion

Our enzyme supplement has the highest amount of proteases compared with other formulas for pets found on the market. Proteins, including glutens which are a type of protein, are the particles largely responsible for inflammatory conditions in the body and food allergies when not fully digested.

Plant Sourced Enzymes

Our enzyme formula uses a variety of plant-based enzymes that will work the most efficiently with your dog or cat's physiology. Enzymes from plant sources, many of which are grown in specialized laboratory settings, remain active in environments ranging from the upper stomach to the small intestine where the majority of your dog and cat's digestion occurs. Pancreatin and other animal based enzymes are secreted by the pancreas in the upper part of the small intestine. The pH in this area is generally around 7.0-9.0 and is the only environment in which these enzymes will be active. However, the acidity found in your dog or cat's stomach varies between a pH of 4-5 (in the upper stomach) down to 1-2 (in the lower stomach). The result is that the majority of animal based enzymes, like pancreatin, trypsin and chymotrypsin, will not survive the acidity of the stomach to aid your pet's digestion.

An Enzyme Called Peptidase

Our enzyme formula contains Peptidase. This is a specialized protease enzyme that helps to quickly hydrolize proteins from gluten in the stomach. This is preferred because if these proteins are not broken down enough in the stomach, exorphin peptides can be created in the small intestine. Studies show these peptides can be responsible for many of the digestive sensitivities animals and people experience and even behavioral problems in children (maybe some pets also?). This enzyme is especially important for pet foods and treats containing sources of gluten, but helps to digest other proteins as well by further breaking down protein peptides into amino acids - a step not provided by other pet digestive enzyme supplements.

No Unhealthy Additives

Our formula is made with all-natural, whole food ingredients. Absent are the fillers that increase packaging bulk and "flow agents" that make manufacturing faster and easier. Ingredients we avoid, but many of our competitors do not, include lactose, magnesium stearate, maltodextrin, stearic acid, calcium stearate, scorbyl palmitate, silicon dioxide, and microcrystalline cellulose among others.

Manufactured in a USA GMP Certified Facility

Our Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics formula is manufactured right here in the USA in a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards certified facility. Not all of our competitors products can state that especially those manufactured in China where these standards are not followed.

Use only Human Grade Ingredients

Our products are manufactured using human grade ingredients. In the pet industry this is far from the rule as many companies use pet quality ingredients, those considered "not fit for human consumption".

Compare Our Formula

Desirable attributes are highlighted in GREEN

(Amounts adjusted for one gram per serving and uniform measurements)

Scroll to right to view entire table.

  Our Formula Dr. Mercola Animal Essentials Only Natural Pet Prozyme Nature Vet Flying Basset Wholistic Pet Herbsmith
350,000 FCC 50 mg (not listed in industry standards) 20,000 135,000 120,000 22,100 11,000 Not listed in industry standards 393,000
Protease 6.0 2,000 HUT None None None None None None None None
Protease 4.5 21,000 HUT 2,500 20,500 HUT None None None 12,500 Not listed in industry standards 5,625
Protease 3.0 50 SAPU None None None None None 100 None None
Peptidase 500 HUT None None None None None None None None
Amylase 5,000 DU 2,500 3,150 2,025 2,000 2,320 2,500 Not listed in industry standards 3,750
Lipase 750 FIP 500 662 562 500 525 500 Not listed in industry standards 750
Glucoamylase 6 AGU None None None None None None None None
Cellulase 350 CU None 110 CU 55 50 75 500 Not listed in industry standards 600
Hemicellulase 250 HCU None 100 HCU None None None None Not listed in industry standards None
Maltase 50 DP None None None None None None None None
Alpha-Galactosidase 50GaIU None None None None None None None None
Beta-Glucanase 2,000 HUT None None None None None None None None
Probiotics 5 Billion None 100 Million None None 100 Million None 10 Billion* 5 Billion (adjusted for equal serving)
# of Probiotic Species 13 0 1 None None 1 None 2 3
FOS FOS Free! No No No No Yes No Yes Yes
Whole Food Prebiotics YES! No No No No No No No No
Undesirable Additives None Yes - Animal derived enzymes, cellulose Yes - Calcium Sulfate Yes - Lactose Yes - Lactose Yes - Maltodextrin Not Listed Not Listed Yes - Maltodextrin, sodium silico aluminate (dessicant), stearic acid

*Excessive amounts of probiotics as seen in certain formulas, especially with a limited number of species, can cause digestive tract imbalances and GI disturbances.

Why we are Proud to be FOS Free:

Fructooligosaccharides, more commonly known as FOS, is a class of simple carbohydrates found naturally in certain plants, such as Jerusalem artichokes, onions, and bananas. Virtually, all of the FOS added to probiotic products in the United States is chemically manufactured. A Japanese process is utilized in turning white, bleached cane sugar, by the action of a fungal enzyme, into FOS - a sugar polymer that our bodies cannot digest.

In 1990, Coors Biotech, in an effort to introduce FOS into the food chain of the United States, prepared a GRAS (generally recognized as safe) petition to include FOS as a human food ingredient. As several years of FOS-safe food sales are needed before this approval, the probiotic market was chosen as an easy, nonthreatening way to get the product 'out there.' The health food industry became an ideal test market.

The addition of FOS in probiotic products is becoming a common practice. Many probiotic manufacturers claim FOS is beneficial in that it feeds friendly bacteria. Those who manufacture high-quality probiotics, however, do not believe in using FOS. Instead, their products require one important component - the valuable supernatant, which naturally and specifically provides food for the bacteria.

Prudent probiotic manufacturers are concerned with the safety issue of FOS. According to a study conducted by the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) of the Food and Agricultural Organization and World Health Organization (FAO/WHO), the consumption of FOS may cause intestinal problems, such as bloating, abdominal pain, and copious amounts of gas.

There are a number of additional reasons why some manufacturers of high-quality probiotics do not add FOS to their products. They are:

  • FOS is manufactured by chemical synthesis. The ingredient is, therefore, not natural, but a chemical additive and may pose toxicological dangers.
  • FOS is a sugar derivative, therefore, those with a yeast infection should avoid it.
  • The stability of FOS is poor. The industrial production of purified FOS is a problem and still in the developmental stage.
  • FOS is inert in the mouth and small intestine because it is not digestible (similar to olestra). It is digested in the colon by the bacteria and may, therefore, change the metabolic activity of the colon, resulting in abnormal functions.
  • FOS stimulates the growth of Klebsiella and possibly other pathogenic organisms. In one study, Klebsiella has been associated with the autoimmune disease ankylosing spondylitis.
  • FOS is known to be species as well as strain specific. In other words, not all beneficial bacteria like the FOS diet.

As always we try to stay informed and do better than our competitors. Not just to say we do but for the health of our pets and yours. That is why we use a whole food blend of prebiotics in our Digestive Enzyme and Probioitc formula and not FOS.


Deanna posted the following excerpt from Probiotics: Nature's Internal Healers by Natasha Trenev: FOS -Fructooligosaccharides. Retrieved from http://www.scdiet.org/6research/fos.html

Ingredients per 1,000 mg (one gram)

Digestive Enzymes

Bromelain - 350,000 FCCPU
Protease 4.5 - 21,000 HUT
Protease 3.0 - 50 SAPU
Protease 6.0 - 2,000 HUT
Peptidase - 500 HUT
Amylase - 5,000 DU
Lipase - 750 FIP
Glucoamylase - 6 AGU
Cellulase - 350 CU
Hemicellulase - 250 HCU
Diastase - 50 DP
Alpha-Galactosidase - 50 GaIU
Beta-Glucanase - 10 BGU

Probiotic Blend 5 Billion CFU

Equal Proportions of the following species of beneficial bacteria:

Bacillus subtilis DE111®
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Lactobacillus brevis
Lactobacillus reuteri
Lactobacillus bulgaricus
Lactobacillus plantarum
Lactobacillus rhamnosus
Lactobacillus salivarius
Lactobacillus casei
Lactococcus lactis
Bifidobacterium longum
Bifidobacterium lactis
Bifidobacterium bifidum
Streptococcus thermophilus

Natural Prebiotic Dietary Ingredients

Chicory Root Fiber - 50 mg
Fennel Seed - 50 mg

Other Ingredients

Organic Psyllium Seed Husk

No Additives in Dog Digestive Enzyme Supplement

Suggested Use for General Wellness

Suggested serving is 1/8 tsp per 30 lbs per meal. Must mix with water prior to adding to food or while in food dish - can not be served dry! For pets new to digestive enzymes, begin with 1/4 dosage and work up to recommended dosage as animal adjusts.

Intensive Use for Health Challenges:
May double dosage to help deal with digestive, degenerative and numerous other health challenges for as long as necessary or as directed by a holistic practitioner.

Start at 1/4 dose and gradually work up to suggested dose as your dog or cat displays no digestive discomfort. An animal with a digestive imbalance, which is common due to the over use of antibiotics, may need to build up to the suggested dosage very slowly as their digestive tract adjusts and rebalances.

This is an effective formula and will help to restore balance and health to your pet's digestive tract, which is a very good thing. However, for those with a serious imbalance, such as Candida overgrowth and biofilm in the digestive tract, it may take some time. Because of this there may be signs of detox so go slow if necessary maybe even starting with a tiny pinch in each meal and build up from there.

Storage: Store in refrigerator when received.

Serving suggestions are provided in the table below. Estimate serving as best you can and realize this is a whole food supplement with water-soluble nutrients so giving a little more or less will not hurt your dog or cat. Since we want to thoroughly digest food err to the upside.

Weight  Recommended Serving in Each Meal
Advanced Use in Each Meal
0 - 5 lbs 1/4 of 1/8 tsp 1/2 of 1/8 tsp
6 - 10 lbs 1/4 of 1/8 tsp 1/2 of 1/8 tsp
11 - 15 lbs 1/2 of 1/8 tsp 1/8 tsp
16 - 20 lbs 2/3 of 1/8 tsp slightly rounded 1/8
21 - 25 lbs 3/4 of 1/8 tsp more rounded 1/8 tsp
26 - 30 lbs 1/8 tsp 1/4 tsp
31 -35 lbs slightly rounded 1/8 tsp slightly rounded 1/4 tsp
36 - 40 lbs slightly rounded 1/8 tsp slightly rounded 1/4 tsp
41 - 45 lbs more rounded 1/8 tsp more rounded 1/4 tsp
46 - 50 lbs just under 1/4 tsp just under 1/2 tsp
51 - 55 lbs just under 1/4 tsp just under 1/2 tsp
56 - 60 lbs 1/4 tsp 1/2 tsp
61 - 65 lbs slightly rounded 1/4 tsp slightly rounded 1/2 tsp
66 - 70 lbs slightly rounded 1/4 tsp slightly rounded 1/2 tsp
71 - 75 lbs more rounded 1/4 tsp more rounded 1/2 tsp
76 - 80 lbs more rounded 1/4 tsp more rounded 1/2 tsp
81 - 90 lbs 3/8 tsp 3/4 tsp
> 90 lbs 1/2 tsp 1 tsp


Measuring Spoon for Dog Vitamin Suuplement

Approximate Daily Servings per Container (2 meals per day)

Container Size 15 lbs 30 lbs 45 lbs 60 lbs
45 gram
128 64 42 32
90 gram
257 128 85 64
6 ounces
485 242 161 121

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