Keys MetaClean Shampoo is an all-natural, chemical-free healing shampoo. MetaClean makes the finest multipurpose dog shampoo but was developed to provide relief from itching related to allergies, irritations and hot spots. Keys MetaClean will help with dog skin irritations related to environmental allergens and soothe your dog's skin by avoiding the chemicals that are in other pet grooming products.
Keys MetaClean combines an all-natural chemical-free Castile base with essential oils known for their healing properties. Added is a concentration of pharmaceutical grade Neem and Karanja oil at levels that give this Keys Shampoo both therapeutic and natural insect repelling properties.
MetaClean rinses four to five times faster than sulfate based shampoos and has a natural aromatherapy that helps calm your dog during bathing. This naturally healing shampoo contains no perfumes or chemical preservatives that will irritate your pet's skin or sense of smell. This chemical-free Keys Shampoo is safe and effective for both pets and people!
Keys MetaClean Healing Shampoo Benefits
Made with natural, organic, chemical-free ingredients!
Stops Itching & Scratching
Heals Skin Disorders
Naturally Repels Insects
Heals Dog Hot Spots
Skin & Hair Conditioner
Fast Rich Lather
Rinses Lightning Fast
Calming Aromatherapy
For Pets & People
Did you know...
Manufacturers of pet grooming products do not always list all ingredients on their labels. There is no over-site! Some "natural" pet grooming products contain hidden preservatives like sodium laurel sulfate and parabens not listed on the label! We investigate our products and have already caught one manufacturer of "natural" grooming products adding chemical preservatives not listed on their label and removed them from our product offerings!
Keys MetaClean Shampoo Details
Available in a 8oz container.
Saponified Coconut oil, Saponified Olive Oil, Saponfied Jojoba Oil, Avocado Oil, Black Cumin Oil, Neem Oil, Karanja Oil, Shea Butter, Purified Water, Aloe Vera, Blood Orange Essential Oil, Clary Sage, Rosemary Extract
Apply to wet skin. Lather and massage into coat then leave on for one minute or longer. Rinse with warm water.
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